
Meet our Team

Developer Team

The Scientific Software Center currently has six Research Software Engineers (RSEs).

Inga Ulusoy

Inga Ulusoy obtained her PhD in theoretical chemistry and has been developing scientific software for a variety of applications. Examples range from solutions of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation and wave-packet propagation methods to classical rate equations. Her favorite programming language is Python, and she enjoys developing new scientific software as well as refactoring existing code. 

Contact: inga.ulusoy@uni-heidelberg.de INF 205 - Room 4/410

Inga Ulusoy

Liam Keegan

Liam Keegan is an experienced scientific software developer with a PhD in computational theoretical physics who has worked on a variety of projects in the context of particle physics, neuroscience and systems biology, developing software ranging from Graphical User Interface applications running on a users laptop to highly optimized parallel simulation codes running on large High Performance Computing clusters. See keegan.ch or github.com/Ikeegan for more information. 

Contact: liam.keegan@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de INF 205 - Room 4/332

Liam Keegan

Dominic Kempf

Dominic Kempf has received both his Diploma in Scientific Computing and his PhD in Computer Sciences from Heidelberg University. He specializes in numerical software for the solution of partial differential equations on High Performance Computing systems. During his entire career, Dominic had a keen focus on the development of sustainable research software and on promoting the role of research software in scientific communities. Dominic is a core developer of the DUNE project and a certified Software Carpentry instructor. 

Contact: dominic.kempf@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de INF 205 - Room 4/408

Dominic Kempf

Horea Caramizaru

Horea Caramizaru's background is on the intersection of applied mathematics, computer science, and theoretical physics with an MSc. in Computer Graphics and another MSc. in Scientific Computing. Previously, Horea has worked, among others, in projects that involve computer graphics, physical-based animation, robotics as well as multi-body dynamics, molecular dynamics, and compiler design. Currently, his interests lie at the crossroad of mathematical optimization, optimal control, multi-body dynamics, theoretical mechanics, and SLAM. 

Contact: horea.caramizaru@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de INF 205 - Room 4/335

Alex Caramizaru

Dmitrii Kapitan

Dmitrii Kapitan possesses a Master's degree in Information Systems and Technology. His background lies in leveraging Python for machine learning applications, as well as in harnessing the power of C to develop high-performance parallel software solutions specifically tailored for supercomputer clusters. His current focus is on software development for sustainable research in various scientific areas.

Contact: dmitrii.kapitan@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de INF 205 - Room 4/408


Harald Mack

Harald Mack received his PhD in Physics from Heidelberg University and in the past has worked on computer models for complex adaptive systems. These range from simple cellular automata to multi-scale systems integrating a variety of modeling paradigms. The development of maintainable and transferable research software has thereby always been his passion, leveraging the power of C++ and Julia. Currently, Harald focuses on the development of sustainable software for various areas of research.

Contact: harald.mack@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de INF 205 - Room 4/332


Student assistants

  • Gwydion Daskalakis
  • Shuangshuang Li

Administrative Team

  • S. Sander - IT Administration
  • Brigitte Schierloh - Secretary

Past members

  • Petr Andriushchenko: Research Software Engineer, 2022-2023
  • Xianghe Ma: Student Assistant, 2022
  • Christian Delavier: Student Assistant, 2022