Open Source LicensingCompact course: Open Source Licensing


This is a half day course.


No prior knowledge is required. The target audience of this course is scientists that develop their own software and want to publish it as open source.


Software licenses set the legal terms about using and reusing software. For a software project to be usable by others, a license is absolutely required. The course will introduce popular open source licenses and discuss the differences between them. Using real world examples, we study the licensing constraints that may arise from distributing a software project including its dependencies (both for compiled and interpreted languages). Furthermore, the course gives an overview of licenses for documentation and data. This course intends to enable participants to make their own informed decisions - no legal advice can be given during the course.

Learning Objectives

After the course participants will

  • Understand the importance of licenses open source publishing
  • Have an overview of available license types and their prototypical representatives
  • Be able to analyze the license constraints of a given piece of software
  • Know licensing differences between software, data and documentation


This is an on-demand course. You can indicate your interest in the course by signing up. Once a threshold of potential participants is met, we will get in touch with you to schedule the course. Please use the SSC Booking System to sign up.